Hiring a lawyer – The key to getting the most from a lawyer is knowing when you need one. When fighting with a spouse gets over-the-line, it is time to call a family attorney. When the District Attorney’s office charges someone with a crime, it is time to call a criminal defense attorney. These example…
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Medical Payments Insurance explained. Many people consider how much auto insurance coverage they may need, balanced against its cost. Yet, most people don’t think much about the different kinds of auto insurance available to them. Most don’t know medical payments insurance is even available. Unfortunately, despite being legally mandatory, many Alaskan drivers fail to carry…
Continue reading ›Alaska Insurance Requirements are important. Liability insurance is required in Alaska for all drivers. The minimum mandatory liability insurance coverage is $50,000/$100,000 for bodily injury or death and $25,000 for property damage. All drivers are responsible for maintaining insurance coverage. Alaska law enforces harsh penalties against drivers who don’t have required insurance. If you are…
Continue reading ›Drinking and driving in Alaska is a major concern on Alaskan roads, making awareness an important discussion topic. On average, 37 Americans die every day because of drinking and driving. The positive is that alcohol-impaired driving is preventable with planning and consideration. You can help stop drinking and driving in Alaska. Alcohol Facts Alcohol has…
Continue reading ›What is Civil Justice? Criminal law uses tools such as prison, jail, fines, probation, community service and other penalties to punish a person who is guilty of a crime. Civil Justice is shaped differently. Negligence is a Civil Justice Matter Determining who is at fault in a traffic accident is a matter of deciding who…
Continue reading ›No one is immune to suffering automobile accident damages caused by another person’s negligent or careless actions. Car accident damages caused by another person’s behavior may result in filing claims or a civil court case against the person responsible. For example, many people suffer injuries in an automobile accident. However, not all injuries are apparent…
Continue reading ›When auto accidents on Alaska’s roads occur, one of the first questions is who or what caused the car accident. Some of the usual suspects? One or both drivers. A problem with one of the vehicles such as a brake failure. Even weather conditions such as rain or fog can cause an accident. Sometimes the…
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