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Spring Weather Hazards

Spring Weather Hazards – Safe driving in Alaska is a priority, especially as driving in Spring conditions begin. With break-up approaching and the sun returning, Alaskan drivers experience a lot of unique driving conditions. Through each season Johnson Law reminds everyone to take care and drive intelligently.
Tips For A Safer Spring Weather Driving
Driving in Spring has challenges and one needs to take precautions no matter where you live. However, if you are prepared, drive safely, and have the right tools, navigating Alaska roads while driving in Spring can be safer and more enjoyable:
- Seatbelts – fashionable in all seasons and go with every outfit
- Sun safety on those morning and afternoon commutes is a must
- Make sure to share the roads with the ATVs and motorcycles navigating Spring Weather Hazards
- Construction season will be here so be aware and alert while traveling in these areas
- Big truck traffic increases Spring Weather Hazards while bringing more goods and services to Alaska
- Extra sun requires sleep adjustments – be sure you are well-rested before getting behind the wheel
Traumatic Brain Injuries And Motor Vehicle Accidents
March is also Brain Injury Awareness Month. Every March, the Brain Injury Association of America leads the nation in observing Brain Injury Awareness Month. Spring weather hazards bring the risk of motor vehicle accidents.
Traumatic Brain Injuries: Adult occupants were 47.0% of all motor vehicle–related TBI visits and 9.7% of all TBI visits. Child occupants represented 54.4% of the motor vehicle crash–related TBI ED visits.
Traumatic Brain Injury Deaths: Adult vehicle occupants were 45.8% of all motor vehicle–related TBI deaths and 13.2% of all TBI deaths. On average, there were 488 child TBI deaths in motor vehicle crashes, accounting for 21.8% of all TBI-related deaths.
Vehicle Maintenance
Make sure to take care of the vehicle that gets you to and from all the beauty Alaska has to offer through Alaska’s Spring weather hazards. As you adjust and welcome the season, be aware and prepared. Take care of yourself and others while driving in Spring weather; make safe driving in Alaska a priority.
Johnson Law has been helping Alaskans for nearly 30 years. It’s who we are.
And while we hope you never need us… We’re here if you do. ~ Doug Johnson
Please call Johnson Law to discuss your case: (907)277-3090 or use our online contact form.
Sources: Alaska Online Defensive Driving; Brain Injury Association of America; Center For Disease Control; National Library Of Medicine
Image Source: Where And When