Spring Break At Home

Johnson Law, P.C.

Spring break is approaching for schools across Alaska. Many families spend spring break at home to participate in local events and activities. Keeping kids entertained and safe while out of school is a priority for all parents.

Home Entertainment

Preparing educational games and activities for school-age children can be rewarding for families spending spring break at home. Check out 20 ways to keep kids busy at home during Spring Break for fun, kid friendly, ideas. When organizing art projects use non-toxic and age appropriate supplies. Keep sharp tools, like scissors, out of reach from small children to avoid injuries.

Allowing children to help cook is a great way to entertain kids and make snack time a fun learning experience. Monitor kids in the kitchen and be aware of potential hazards, such as hot surfaces or sharp objects. Use this time to teach young children about potential risks in the kitchen and how to avoid those risks.

Activities Around Town

Many local businesses and groups have family friendly events scheduled for Spring Break. Local malls, wildlife organizations, and art studios offer activities for kids of various ages. Spend time at the museum, library, indoor park, or enjoy a spring break matinee at the theater.

When enjoying a public event, make sure everyone knows where to meet, when, and the plan for the day. Use a buddy system or stick together in groups so no one is left alone or lost. Write your phone number on your child’s wrist or purchase a safety wristband in case your child becomes separated in a crowded setting during a Spring Break activity.

Spring Break At Home With Working Parents

Some parents are unable to take time off from work which means staying local For Spring Break and children spend time with a family member, friend, or babysitter. Leave emergency contact information with a responsible adult and remind them of allergies or medical conditions.

If your child is older and will be home alone, ensure you teach them about “stranger danger”. Teach them not to open the door for anyone while adults are not home. If your child stays over at a friend’s house while staying local for Spring Break, ensure you ask important questions, such as who will be home during the day and gather contact information for parents of your child’s friend.

Injuries When Staying Local For Spring Break

If your child is injured during spring break at home due to another person’s negligence, it is important to know who is responsible. Children injured away from home may need their parents to file a claim on their behalf for injuries. It is up to the parent to hold negligent parties responsible. Talk to your child if they are injured, gather details about the event, and take photos.

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Source: Active For Life; Wristband Resources

Image Source: Active For Life

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Johnson Law, P.C. is a tight-knit group of hard working people that I cannot praise enough! The dedication and persistence I have seen from this team is incredible. They not only provide excellent law representation, but the support system built by the team is one of a kind. They care about each...

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Mr. Johnson and his staff were remarkable to work with! They were both professional and yet very down to earth. They made me feel a part of their family and would often check in on me! In fact, his paralegal even went out of her way, sending cards to me well after my case had been resolved! I would...

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