Merry Christmas

Johnson Law, P.C.

Merry Christmas to you and yours from Johnson Law, P.C.. In the United States, Christmas is most commonly associated with Christian traditions celebrating the birth of Jesus. Yet, many common Christmas traditions originate from pre-Christian winter festivals. For example, the use of candles and evergreen decorations and trees started from pagan rituals symbolizing everlasting light and life. The custom of exchanging presents dates back to Roman times when people commonly gave each other small gifts during a mid-winter festival culminating on December 25th.

This Holiday’s History

Celebrating Christmas as a holiday didn’t become popular until the 19th century. It has grown in popularity since the 20th century thanks to a significant cultural icon: Santa Claus. Santa Claus is based on the fourth century Christian Saint Nicholas. The Dutch introduced the legend of St. Nicholas to America in New Amsterdam (now New York City). They also brought with them the tradition of giving gifts and sweets to children on St. Nicholas’ feast day on December 6th each year.

Cartoonist Thomas Nast began drawing depictions of Santa Claus for Harper’s Weekly in 1863. Nast based his drawings off Santa Claus’ description in the poem “’Twas the Night Before Christmas”. Nast’s drawings captured the world’s imagination and all subsequent depictions of Santa Claus have been based off Nast’s.

Celebrating With Family

Although the last few years brought many changes, there is much to be thankful for in our daily lives. Celebrating with families often include: Baking cookies, watching holiday films, and playing games.

There are also many opportunities in your local area for events that may be right for you and your family during the Christmas holidays.

Helping Others Have  Merry Christmas

The holidays can be one of hardship for some. Many find it rewarding to donate to those in need in your area. There are many ways to give back and support those in need. The Hope Center is always grateful for volunteers.

Helping in person may not be an option, but most organizations accept monetary donations toward their mission as well as other donations which help others such as providing meals to the local food bank or homeless shelter through your local grocery store.

From all of us at Johnson Law, P.C., we wish you a safe and happy holiday season.

Johnson Law, P.C. has been helping Alaskans for nearly 30 years. It’s who we are. And while we hope you never need us… We’re here if you do. ~ Doug Johnson

Secondary Sources: ;; All Events;

Image Source: Public Domain

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Johnson Law, P.C. is a tight-knit group of hard working people that I cannot praise enough! The dedication and persistence I have seen from this team is incredible. They not only provide excellent law representation, but the support system built by the team is one of a kind. They care about each...

Rivers Ducharme

Mr. Johnson and his staff were remarkable to work with! They were both professional and yet very down to earth. They made me feel a part of their family and would often check in on me! In fact, his paralegal even went out of her way, sending cards to me well after my case had been resolved! I would...

Jennifer Koontz

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