Motor Vehicle Crash Form – A car accident can be overwhelming and confusing. After an accident, obtain as much information as possible. Abide by all state and local laws. Learn how to respond after an accident. When To Submit An Alaska Motor Vehicle Crash Form Alaska Statute 28.35.080 states: (a) that The driver of a…
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Auto Insurance – Alaska requires auto insurance, protecting the public from uninsured drivers with both mandatory insurance laws and financial responsibility requirements. The laws provide the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) rights to remove drivers from the road for failure to maintain required coverage. Drivers responsible for car crashes must pay property damage and injury…
Continue reading ›After a car accident – what do you do? According to Alaska Law, after a motor vehicle crash, the operator(s) of the vehicle(s) must immediately stop and remain at the scene of the accident. This is mandatory after an accident resulting in injury to a person, the death of a person, or in damage to…
Continue reading ›Avoid car crashes – In the United States, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death, and kill over 120 people every day. The largest number of motor vehicle crash deaths occurs among occupants of passenger vehicles, including cars, minivans, pickups, SUVs, and cargo/large passenger vans. Passenger vehicle occupants are the most likely to be involved…
Continue reading ›Choosing a PI attorney – For many people, choosing a personal injury attorney can be a daunting task but choosing the right personal injury attorney is incredibly important. How do you know when you should choose to hire a personal injury attorney? Do I Really Need A PI Attorney? Some injured people don’t need a…
Continue reading ›Personal Injury Lawyers – when can they help? You have nothing to lose by asking a good Personal Injury attorney to investigate an injury or death claim. Nothing. What is the worst that might happen? You spend 30 minutes or so explaining the situation and the attorney sees no merit, declining further involvement. A PI…
Continue reading ›Winter night driving can be difficult due to the lack of light, weather conditions and the occasional moose crossing. When driving at night you want to take all the safety precautions you can. Driver safety is important, so don’t put yourself or others in danger while out on the road. Educate yourself with the following…
Continue reading ›Medical Payments Insurance explained. Many people consider how much auto insurance coverage they may need, balanced against its cost. Yet, most people don’t think much about the different kinds of auto insurance available to them. Most don’t know medical payments insurance is even available. Unfortunately, despite being legally mandatory, many Alaskan drivers fail to carry…
Continue reading ›Liability car insurance is a type of insurance that covers the cost of the other driver’s injuries and property damage if you’re at fault in an accident. Liability car insurance consists of both bodily injury liability and property damage liability insurance. Bodily injury insurance pays for the victim’s lost wages and medical bills. Property damage…
Continue reading ›Alaska Insurance Requirements are important. Liability insurance is required in Alaska for all drivers. The minimum mandatory liability insurance coverage is $50,000/$100,000 for bodily injury or death and $25,000 for property damage. All drivers are responsible for maintaining insurance coverage. Alaska law enforces harsh penalties against drivers who don’t have required insurance. If you are…
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