Mother & Children Injured by Drunk Driver
Our hearts and our wishes for a speedy recovery go out to the mother and two children hit by a drunk driver on Sunday morning, January 5, 2014, on 88th Avenue in Anchorage. According to the Daily News, the driver had no insurance and no license because of prior DUIs.
Representing people injured by drunk drivers, as well as those injured by drivers with no insurance, has become a major part of our practice at Johnson Law, P.C.. All-too-often, it is the drunks who don’t have the insurance.
Because of the high number of drivers on Alaska roads without insurance, we encourage everyone to protect themselves, their loved ones, and all who ride in their vehicles by purchasing Uninsured Motorist insurance coverage. Uninsured Motorist (UM) coverage or Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage provides compensation for economic losses such as medical bills and lost wages, as well as non-economic losses such as pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life, to those injured in a car accident by someone who has no insurance or not enough insurance to fully pay for those losses.
The mother and children injured by the drunk driver who had no insurance, on January 5th should have their medical bills, lost wages, and other losses paid for through the mother’s own insurance. Additional insurance coverage may be available through insurance policies of other relatives living in their same household.